Frequently Asked Questions

Founders Alana and Abbey’s have a passion for supporting young people to fully participate in society and live the life they want with equal rights and access to services and experiences, teamed with their extensive experience working with children and adolescents with disabilities. This allows us to successfully work with parents and participants to set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) goals and plan relevant and meaningful social programs for participants to enhance their lives and meet their goals.

We care about and get to know each and every one of our participants, providing them with the necessary support they need to live an ordinary life and realise their potential.

We communicate openly and transparently with participants and their families. We will get back to all queries and concerns in a timely manner.

We provide regular feedback and updates on participants’ sessions through photos on social media (pending permission) and verbal and electronic check-ins.

We provide safe and supported, highly supervised experiences both in the community and at centres. Experiences and programs vary, but clear and consistent expectations and routines remain the same, assisting participants in knowing what to expect and feel safe.

All community-based programs begin with mentors going through the day’s program, using visuals and answering any questions.

Project Epic encourages and teaches Key Word Sign to support people with communication disability or delay.

Project Epics caters for a wide range of abilities, ages and interests, allowing us to individualise programs to the needs of the participants attending.

Project Epic values feedback. We want to provide the service you need, so suggestions are always welcomed.

Our Epic Centre is in Caringbah. However we welcome any and all people from around Sydney as we often travel all over to visit new and exciting places for some seriously epic adventures! We offer our pickup and drop off services within thirty minutes from our Epic Centre in Caringbah. If your address is further than the 30 minutes a travel fee will be applied.
At Project Epic, our groups are small, and our ratios of 2:1, 1:1 or 1:2 ensure all participants are supervised, cared for, safe, engaged and supported to participate and get the most out of each program. Our ratios allow participants space and time for a rest or to be away from the group if they need a break. The high level of support allows every participant the chance to work towards their individualised goals at their own pace. With a big focus on fun, the happiness and enjoyment of our participants are at the forefront of what we do. 

Our Friday Night and School Holiday Teen Programs suit participants requiring 1:2 support. 

Our After School Social Group, Saturday, Sunday and School Holiday Kids and High Support Teens programs suit participants requiring 1:1 support.  

Our Young Adult Day programs are suitable for participants who require 2:1 and 1:1 support.

Absolutely! You will find that the Core Supports section is the most flexible in your plan and where you will be able to secure funding for all our available programs.

For some of programs, we can also access funding within Capacity Building under Improved Daily Living, and Increased Social and Community Participation. However please speak to us about these and we can advise on a case by case basis.

Out-of-Pocket Costs

Our programs may have additional out-of-pocket costs. These costs will be listed and paid when booking into the program online. These costs are not covered through an NDIS Plan. Out-of-pocket cost covers venue entry fees and allows purchasing program-specific resources such as craft supplies, afternoon tea and general activity resources. Participants will also be responsible for any costs associated with activities outside the program’s scope, such as public transport and any food they might like to purchase. Please ensure you send your child or teen with money or a debit card to buy food or enough packed food for each outing in a lunch box. Please indicate if you do not wish your child to purchase additional/ food or snacks on outings.

Activity Based Transport 

Kilometres driven during outings are invoiced to the participant. As per the NDIS Price Guide, where two or more participants are transported in the same vehicle, the cost is divided amongst the participants. Project Epic car travel is currently costed at $1/km. 

Centre Capital Cost

We are so thrilled we now have a home at the Epic Centre in Caringbah. The centre is available for use in all our programs. Project Epic Programs will all incorporate a Centre Capital Cost per hour of booked support as per the most recent NDIS price guide where the centre is available for use or used. This is applied to assist services with the cost of providing venues for programs.


Participants may bring money to purchase a meal. Alternatively, participants may choose to bring a packed meal from home. When afternoon tea, dinner or snacks are provided at programs that take place at the centre, a small fee will be charged to cover the cost. This fee will be disclosed and paid at the time of booking. 

Billable Non-Face-to-Face hours 

Billable non-face-to-face hours will be charged 30 minutes per six hours of support – these hours support Project Epic in developing individual goals, risk assessments and program planning.

Any additional billable non-face-to-face hours will be calculated individually as needed. Where additional reporting and quotes to support NDIS reviews, meetings with a participants psychologist, behaviour therapist, speech therapist, school, occupational therapist, group home or school visits are requested by yourself or the support team, this time will be invoiced directly from your NDIS plan.

First off, welcome to the Project Epic!

Please call or email and we will send you some initial forms that you may email back or bring with you to your pre-engagement visit.

Abbey or Alana will get back to you and organise a time for you and your child to meet us and have a chat via Zoom, phone call or in person! This is a great way for you to get to know us and for us to get to know you and your child. We will fill out the required remaining paperwork and set some initial goals.

We will create a service agreement for the services you wish to book.

Your child’s Epic journey begins.

Program Length

Our Saturday, Sunday, and School Holiday programs are available for casual bookings. Once signing a service agreement and completing the initial paperwork, you are free to pick and choose which adventures you would like to go on. Bookings are made online. Spots are limited, and programs fill up quickly. We recommend booking the programs you would like to attend in advance. 

Our After School and Friday Night programs run for up to 11 weeks, in line with the school term. When booking these programs you are booking in for the whole term. If there is a session your child cannot attend please let us know – we do require seven days notice.

Our Young Adult Programs run for 51 weeks of the year. This means that you have signed up for the entire program length. If there is a session your Young Adult cannot attend please let us know – we do require seven days notice.

Waiting List for Programs 

Our programs are designed as small group programs to ensure participants can work proactively towards their goals. Each program has a waiting list as numbers reach capacity. Interested participants are placed on the waiting list. You will be alerted if a space becomes available or an additional program can be delivered.

Need to cancel?

All cancellations require seven days notice before the support is due to take place. Any cancellations made within seven days are subject to 100% cancellation fees. This ensures our programs continue to run smoothly and safely and our participants can reach their social and emotional goals through consistent, well-organised and pre planned programs.

No dramas! You are still more than welcome to join the Project Epic family whether you are using NDIS or not. Our prices are the same for all participants. If you need help securing NDIS funding for your child a Quote and a letter of support can be provided on request.